5 July 2009


so.. i finished animating this 4 second scene, and i was so happy with how it'd turned out i thought fuck it, i'm gonna comp it now. I knew i wanted particles in it so begrudgingly rendered out a million different passes, which took forever, but now, with particley goodness sandwiched between 15 layers of animation gold, i give you, the chase sequence, part 01:

you know it's odd looking back over previous posts in this blog. To you it probably looks like "shit, he doesn't do much" and then when something looks vastly different it's as if i completely change my mind about art direction mid project. The thing is there are really gradual changes that've happened, and whilst I've felt this thing evolve beneath my very eyes, when I look back over my blog now it's a bit like.. "WTF!?" Things have changed loads! I guess that's a testament to how long I've been working on this thing.. I have changed over the last year, and so yes, I feel I've got better, and quickly. But now this is a fully rendered scene, ready to drop onto the timeline, and so this video here is the best representation so far that you or I have seen of my final film aesthetic :) Anyway I'm rambling, it's late. More to come soon.